
15歳で留学開始し、カナダ11年目。 高校、大学を卒業し、現在は幼児教育者として働いています。 永住権取得済み。









Te Aotūroa Tātaki—Inclusive Early Childhood Education | New Zealand Council for Educational Research



少しハードですが、もしかしたら英語の勉強にもなるかもしれないので是非読んでいってください (笑)10チャプターに分かれて、共生社会について考えがまとめられているのですが、私が障がいを持つ姉として一番共感し、知っておくべきだと思ったのはチャプター9です。なので今回はこの本の中でもチャプター9の中から少しまとめたいと思います。





Inclusive education for children with disabilities and their families is premised on three key ideas:

・all children and families have the right to access and receive a quality early childhood education in thier local regular early childhood service

・all children can benefit from an inclusive early childhood educaiton

・an inclusive early childhood system is an esential component of helping create an inclusive society for all. (p. 155)








8 Key factors of inclusion



1. Discourses of disability

2. Service policies

3. Teaching practices

4. Assessement

5. Collaboration

6. Early childhood learning environments and communities

7. Management and leadership

8. Resourcing



Do you perhaps believe that disability is an individual flaw and that "helping" children with disabilities requires fixing or treating the impairment and making them more "normal" so that they can participate more fully in society? This type of thinking about disability is, according to Skrtic (1995), very dominant in society and is influenced by medical and special education discourses of disability. These discourses locate disability within assumptions of pathology and normative differences, and see the "problems" of children with disabilities primarily as a product of their impairments. The focus, therefore, is typically on special education and other (i.e., assessment and diagnosis) and on fixing the problem or deficit (i.e., treatment and remediation). (p. 158)



One of the outcomes of this remedial approach is that childre are labelled, perhaps even stigmatised, from an early age as negatibely different and as having "special needs", a situation that favours the attitudes and practices associated with exclusion. (p. 158)



Perhaps you concider children with disabilities and their families to be victims of a tragic circumstance, or maybe sources of inspiration? The charity discourse perpetuates the idea that disability is a personal tragedy. (p.159)

チャリティーなどの慈善行為は人々に”障がいは悲劇だ”という考えを植え付けてしまい、障がいを持つ子供やその家族を不幸の犠牲者として、インスピレーションの源として見てしまう。慈善行為を見る当事者たちは”かわいそう”と勝手に哀まれたり、軽蔑されたり、すごく心配されたり、無視されたり... でも果たしてそれが障がいを持った人たちが求める反応なんでしょうか?違いますよね。つまり慈善行為というのは偏見をなくすどころか、逆に偏見を生むことが多いんじゃないでしょうか。


The negative assumptions and stereotypes about disability perpetuated ... tend to exacerbate such fears and prejudices in people. Therefore, the types of attitudes emanating from lay discourses relagate children with disabilities and their families to the position of "the other", a situation which makes them vulnerable to discrimination and exclusion. (p. 159)



A rights and sociocultural discourse of disability promotes the view that it is disabling attitudes and environments - not the disabilities per se - that cause disability. (p. 160)



... special education typically favours developmental, normative and skills based approaches to assessment. These approaches highlight what children cannot do rather than what they can do. (p. 164)










